Welcome to the world of C64 nostalgia. Here you will find exclusive material about the Commodore 64 home computer that we all know and love. There's detailed information about current and upcoming C64-related events and past developnments within the scene and game culture in general. We at C64.COM aim to save and store an important part of the history of those who played a part in the active era of the Commodore 64. Enjoy your stay!


» December 12th, 2023 - New demo from The Increasing Popularity Crew featuring a rad bunch of scrolltext writers
The Increasing Popularity Crew has just released Oldies & Goldies, created to document the IPC+C64.COM Christmas beer meeting in Stockholm, Sweden on December 7, 2023. Coding by Epsilon, graphics by Pal and music by Fegolhuzz. Scrolltext writers: SMC/Pretzel Logic, Mastermind/Horizon, 3D/Triad, Bagder/Horizon, Mr.Z/Triad, Zagor/Horizon, Karl XII/Groovy Bits, The Leader/Science 451, Injun/Light, Metal Maniac/Dual Crew, Rico/Pretzel Logic, Trasher/Fairlight, Daw/Triad, Probe/Antic, Bacchus/Fairlight and Morpheus/IPC.

Download the demo from C64.COM: c64.com?type=2&id=2340
Download the demo from CSDb: csdb.dk/release/?id=237618
Check it out on YouTube: youtube.com/watch?v=yQl822KheoM

» May 30th, 2023 - LMan of MultiStyle Labs and Censor Design interviewed
We're back with an awesome interview with LMan of Remix64.com, Multistyle Labs, Performers, Maniacs of Noise, Censor Design and TRSi. Even though Markus mainly is a musician, he's a guy with many talents and we touch on all of them in this extensive interview. We talk about the demo groups he's currently in, about his music and we of course go back to the very beginning of him using the C64 for the first time. And lots more! Enjoy. Read the interview here »

» May 17th, 2023 - 10.000 Members in our Facebook group
10.000 MEMBERS – WOHOO! Since last week, we have reached over 10.000 members in our Facebook group. Pretty amazing, right? To celebrate this milestone, we've made a demo called "10.000 Members" that we would like to dedicate to all of you out there.

Our friends in Pretzel Logic, Genesis Project and the Increasing Popularity Crew have helped us to put the demo together and we're enternally greatful for it. Honey/1001 Crew, Cycleburner/Contex and Yip of Pure-Byte contributed with scrolltexts, tNG/Fairlight captured the video below, and Airwolf/F4CG has made a video for YouTube. We're lucky to have such great friends!

Download the demo from C64.COM: www.c64.com?type=2&id=2339
Download the demo from CSDb: csdb.dk/release/?id=232581
Check it out on YouTube: youtube.com/watch?v=pmGJ4021qhs

Help us spread the word to other C64 fans because we want to grow and do another tribute demo at 20K. :D All the best from Andreas, Theo and Kristian

» May 2nd, 2023 - C64 Rocks by FastLoaders now available
Paying homage to the legendary SID chip, FastLoaders has just released the digital version of their new awesome triple album called C64 Rocks. Some of the 55 songs you can hear on this album are Hysteria, Ghouls 'n' Ghosts, Katakis, Barbarian, Way of the Exploding Fist, and of course tracks written by well-known names like Martin Galway and Rob Hubbard.

Wanna rock out? Then get the album here: tinyurl.com/27j3fuk9.

» March 25th, 2023 - Science 451's homepage now hosted by C64.COM
We're happy to announce that we're hosting Science 451's old homepage from this day on. Check out the Science 451 homepage here » If your old demo/cracking group has a forgotten homepage, get in touch. We'd love to host it. Please note that Flash Inc.'s homepage can now be reached Flash Inc. homepage here »

» March 23rd, 2023 - We welcome new moderator Kristian Tjessem
At this point, we would like to welcome our new Facebook moderator, Kristian Tjessem! He's known as Pad/Genesis Project, he's a true C64 fan, a photography buff just like Theo and me, and someone we believe will help make this group even better and more fun for you guys. Welcome Kristian! Join us on Facebook »

» March 23rd, 2023 - Snorre Narum of Shape interviewed
Andreas and Terry returns with an interview with Snorre Narum of Shape and previously The Falcons and Full Force. Here's a small snippet from the interview: "When I recruit people for my company today, I'm always looking for the kind of passion and enthusiasm that I learned and witnessed on the scene, and that might be the most important skill that I learned from being part of it all." It's a great lil' read so don't wait any further! Read it all here »

» March 14th, 2023 - Polonus/Padua interviewed
We're happy to give you a new, fresh interview with Polonus of Padua (plus Quartet and Science 451). Quartet was in fact the first Polish demo group and Pawel talks briefly about that in the interview. Also: "About 80 percent of my work was done on a tape recorder. I didn't have a floppy drive until my last year of working on the C64. Looking back, I can only laugh about it. I guess I was not easily discouraged." Interview by Andreas, proofreading by Terry. Read the interview here »

» February 28th, 2023 - OMP/Prosonix, Offence and Panoramic Designs interviewed
C64 fans, we're happy to give you yet another scene interview! This time it's musician, sometimes artist and our buddy Ole Marius Pettersen (OMP) of Prosonix, Offence and Panoramic Designs. Interview by Andreas and proofreading by Terry yet again. (What a dynamic duo, eh?) Read the whole interview here »

OMP: "I have loved SID music since I first got my hands on a C64. I had some cassette tapes that I listened to on my Walkman. I had my C64 connected to a hi-fi with two large speakers. When playing games, I would hide in a corner or behind a cover, just to listen to the in-game music. Later, I would fire up demos and intros over and over again, just to listen to the music."

» February 21st, 2023 - JLD/Finnish Gold interviewed
Here's a new scene interview with JLD/Finnish Gold, and formerly of Warriors of the Wasteland in the old days. Interview by Andreas with proofreading by Terry as always. JLD: "My interest in making my own SID music had now started to grow, so during one of [my and Rock/FIG's] chats, I just straight up asked him what he thought of me joining Finnish Gold? His answer was: 'Do some SIDs, and we'll consider it.' I've now been a member of FIG since December 2022." Read the whole interview here »

» News archive

© 1986 U.S. Gold
6581 - The Last Ninja 2 - Back in Time Live Stockholm 2008
6581 feat. Fred Gray - Mutants - Back in Time Live Stockholm 2008
» F.A.Q. - look here before you send off an email.

» Credits - the list of people who made all this possible.

» Scene interviews - C64 sceners answer 20 questions about their time in the scene.
Latest C64.COM donation heroes:

Ian Besaw
Jeff Lawlor
Mark Dubbin
Steve Ellis
Miko Luosmaa
Gregory Hammond
Leonel Rivas
Martin Gendera
Stefano Camarri
Stephen Ball
Richard de Prey
Martin Johansson
Jorma Korkiakoski
Nicholas Scott
Dan Gilgrass
Jason Daniels
Kevin Kaler
Erwing Rizzato
Omar Marquez
William Salt
Denis K. Scannell
Rafael O. Salcines
Bitmap Books
Tobias Schaffitzel
Bandar Al-Garee
Kim Jørgensen
Steven Crook

Cheers guys!