if($action == "send") {
$reset = reset($required);
while (list($key, $value) = each($required)) {
if($form[$value] == "") {
if($count > 0) {
else {
if(!$form[email]) {
$form[email] = "$no_email"; }
if(!$form[subject]) {
$form[subject] = "$no_subject"; }
if(!$form[name]) {
$form[name] = "$no_name"; }
$final_recipient = "$recipient@$domain";
if($html_mail == "yes") {
mail("$form[email]","Let's Scroll it! competition","Thanks for participating in the Let's Scroll it! competition held at C64.com. The question was: What is the first word you see on screen in the 5th and final part? Your answered: '$form[message]'. If it's the correct answer, you're still in the running to become America's Next Top Model. Err... I mean, win the Back in Time DVD from C64audio.com. \n\nThe competition ends on November 10th. The winner will receive personal notification and will be announced in the news section on C64.com. \n\nAndreas Wallstrom\nwww.c64.com", "From: $company_name <$company_email>\nReply-To: $company_name <$company_email>\nContent-type: text/plain\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
mail("$company_email","Let's Scroll it! competition submission","$form[name] \n$form[email] \n$form[message]", "From: $company_name <$company_email>\nReply-To: $company_name <$company_email>\nContent-type: text/plain\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
else {
mail("$form[email]","Let's Scroll it! competition","Thanks for participating in the Let's Scroll it! competition held at C64.com. The question was: What is the first word you see on screen in the 5th and final part? Your answered: '$form[message]'. If it's the correct answer, you're still in the running to become America's Next Top Model. Err... I mean, win the Back in Time DVD from C64audio.com. \n\nThe competition ends on November 10th. The winner will receive personal notification and will be announced in the news section on C64.com. \n\nAndreas Wallstrom\nwww.c64.com", "From: $company_name <$company_email>\nReply-To: $company_name <$company_email>\nContent-type: text/plain\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
mail("$company_email","Let's Scroll it! competition submission","$form[name] \n$form[email] \n$form[message]", "From: $company_name <$company_email>\nReply-To: $company_name <$company_email>\nContent-type: text/plain\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
} ?>
Thanks for participating in the Let's Scroll it! competition. If your answer is the correct answer, you're still in the running to become America's Next Top Model. Err... I mean, win the Back in Time DVD from C64audio.com.
The competition ends on November 10th. The winner will recieve personal notification and will be announced in the news section on C64.com.
else {
if($to == "") {
$recipient = "$no_recipient";
} else {
$recipient = $to; } ?>

Complete credits-list
Projectleading and design: Morpheus (Andreas Wallström)
Programming: HCL/Booze Design
Graphics: The Hobbit, Morpheus, The Sarge, Viny
Music: Chapelier, Drax, Hein and Jeroen Tel
Scrolltext: Chapelier, Dan Gilgrass, Morpheus, Unlock, and Trazan.
Lots of old friends, new friends, and heroes of days gone by contributed with a scrolltext as well. This is the complete list of the 64 scrolltexts found in the scrolltext part:
Archer Maclean
Barry Leitch
Ben Daglish
Bilbo/Science 451
Bill Barna
Bizzmo/Genesis Project
Bob/Censor Design
Chris Abbott
Chris Shrigley
Dave Collier
Dave Warhol
The Detonator 4001
Drax/Maniacs of Noise
H.O/Science 451
Der Hansie/The Judges
Hugh Riley
Inferno/Swedish Cracking Crew
Irata/TRSI & Red Sector
Jaws/Boys Without Brains
Jeff Smart/Triad
Jon Hare
Jonathan Dunn
King Fisher/Triad
The Leader/Science 451
Mahoney/Kaktus & Mahoney
Marcel Donné
Markus Schneider
Metal Maniac/Dual Crew
Mr Pinge/Triad
Paul Norman
Rambones/The Supply Team
Red/The Judges
Richard Joseph
Rob Hubbard
Robin Levy
Rygar/Science 451
The Sarge/Triad
The Shark/INC
Simon Butler
The SLAY Radio team (Slaygon, Makke, DJ Skitz, Boz, and Fnord)
Snacky/Genesis Project
The Spy/Flash Inc.
Stan Schembri
STE'86/The Mean Team
Utopia/The Silents
White/The Judges
Zzap/Swedish Cracking Crew
} ?>
» F.A.Q. - look here before you send off an email.
» Credits - the list of people who made all this possible.
» Links - to the top C64 sites out there.
» Scene interviews - C64 sceners answer 20 questions about their time in the scene. |