Zig Zag / Mirrorsoft 1987
Screenshots: « play/stop »

The year is 2000 and a bit AD. The place is another dimension (the 12th, to be precise), yet still sentient life goes on as normal. Guys hang around street corners, economists predict growth next year, it always rains on bank holidays, and people are still well into senseless violence. Which brings us very nicely to Zig Zag.

The game
As a trainee star pilot, you now face the ultimate test of mental and physical agility... the awesome Matrix of Zog! Created to find the supreme star pilot, it has yet to fulfill its purpose. Countless hopefuls have tried and failed to find the Eight Crystals of Zog, and escape to whatever lies beyond, be it the thirteenth dimension, awesome riches or a weekend for two in Bognor. Brace yourself for the journey of a teatime, in which you'll meet hordes of deadly alien beings and kill them. Fly through neuron-numbing puzzles, manoeuvre at breakneck speed through catacombs of pure energy, and then go shopping! Yes, it's all here, everything you ever wanted from a brill game and a stonking lot more.

Joystick only, for one player. Use joystick in port two. Normal left, right, up, down and fire controls apply.

1) Input initials (two only) when prompted, then press Return.

2) Gasp in awe at the credits (use space bar to fast forward).

3) Press fire second time around to begin.

4) Select function key F1: Input code, F3: Toggle music/sound effects, F5: Reverse joystick/normal, F7: Brain teaser/zapper (cheat).

5) Press fire to start game.

The status line tells you the high score, bank account, zone number, objects collected, time elapsed, lives left, target state and timelock info.

Extra powers
Extra powers are selected by pressing the space bar. Press fire to use.

The features in Zig Zag include: save zones, shop zones, death zones, timelocks, zigzags, homers, drifters, attracters, bouncers, corkscrews, cubes, U-turns, zaps, maps, extra lives, super fire, shields, raisers, infrared and X-ray vision, prisms, 1.400 screens, wall targets, floor targets, ramps, disappearing walls, traps and a little bit more...

Loading instructions
Tape: Press Shift and Run/Stop, the play on tape recorder. Disk: Type Load"*",8,1.

Product information and credits
The computer program contained in Zig Zag and its associated documentation and materials are protected by national and international copyright law. Storage in a retrieval system, reproduction, translation, copying, hiring, lending, broadcasting and public performance are prohibited without the express written permission of Mirrorsoft Ltd. All rights of author and owner are reserved worldwide.

Mirrorsoft Ltd., Athene House, 66-73 Shoe Lane, London EC4P 4AB, Tel: 01-377 4645

© 1987 Zig Zag Software and Mirrorsoft Ltd.

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