Pedro / Imagine 1984
Screenshots: « play/stop »

There'll be no siesta for Pedro, he's the busiest gardener South of the Border.

After many years of hard work and loving care, Pedro now has the most beautiful flowergarden in Old Mexico. The trouble is all the animals for miles around have acquired a taste for Pedro's succulent blooms and are always looking for ways to break into his garden to eat them.

From dawn to dusk as Pedro slaves away, the animals never give him a moment's peace. He tries everything to stop them getting to his prize blooms, from blocking the garden paths with compost and bricks, to chasing them away and even jumping on them; but even so, some still manage to get through.

Every time an animal gets into the garden and eats his flowers, Pedro has to plant more seeds. It's problem after problem, and if things aren't bad enough, the village tramp keeps sneaking in to try and steal Pedro's seed, so he has to be chased off as well.

What with marauding animals and thieving tramps it doesn't look as if you're going to get much of a siesta either. So look lively. You can't put things off till mañana.

The game
To stop the animals from eating his plants, Pedro must collect bricks or compost from the bottom corners of the screen and block the maze exits. He may not carry or place more than one object at a time.

Any animals getting into the garden will make for the plants and start eating them. You must decide on whether to block up the maze or stamp out the animals, then you must re-seed the gaps in the garden, at every possible opportunity.

Animals appear on the screen at frequent intervals. They make their way through the maze at the top of the screen and then home in on the flower beds, where they consume plants. As the end of the game is the demise of all the plants in the garden, it is most important that you protect and replace the plants, by planting seeds.

The village tramp appears on the screen at random intervals. He enters the garden from the side and immediately homes in on the seed box. You must run toward him and frighten him away, otherwise he will steal all your remaining seed.

Pedro play notes
At the end of each level, a bonus is calculated on the number of plants left. At the start of the next level, the number of seeds in the box will be increased by one seed for every four plants left up to the original number of seeds you started with. To get to the next level, you must destroy all the animals.

The play keys have been laid out in a way so as to offer the player a wide variety of combinations of keys to make the play as comfortable as possible.

Move left: The keys to move left are all on the bottom row, beginning with Shift, then every alternate key from there on, i.e. Shift, X, V, N etc.

Move right: The remaining keys on the bottom row enable you to move right, i.e. Z, C, B, M etc.

Move down: Any of the keys on the second row up may be used to move downwards, i.e. A, S, D, F, G etc.

Move up: Any of the keys on the third row up may be used to move upwards, i.e. Q, W, E, R, T etc.

Jump/pick and put: Any key on the top row or the space bar will enable you to jump on the invading creatures. Also, if you are standing close to either the compost heap, pile of bricks or the seedbox depressing any of the top row or space bar will enable you to pick up one of the items. If you pick up either a brick or compost and wish to block one of the maze exits, take what you are carrying to the exit of your choice, then press any key on the top row. Your brick or compost will then be put down. If you pick up a seed, take it to an appropriate gap in your flower bed and press any key on the top row. Your seed will then be planted and a flower will grow to replace one that has been eaten.

Loading instructions
Connect your cassette recorder to the computer as described in the user manual and switch on the computer. Place the cassette in the recorder with the printed side facing upwards. There is only one way to load Pedro 64. Whilst holding down either of the Shift keys, press the key marked Run/Stop. The message "Press play on tape" will appear on the screen. Press Play on your cassette recorder. From this point, loading is entirely automatic and the game should start within four to five minutes.

Game idea and many thanks to Stephen Knight.
Program by Mike Glover.
Graphics by Ally Noble and Dawn Jones.
Music by Fred Gray and Abdul Ibrahim.
Illustration by Brian Wall.
Photography by Bernard Rose.
Coffee made by Lynn Livingstone.

Mike Glover
Born in Birkenhead in 1957, Mike Glover was educated at Birkenhead School, and in 1974 he went on to complete a two year course at the Birkenhead College of Technology. On leaving college in 1976, he became a motorcycle mechanic and eventually started building racing engines.

It was through their mutual interest in motorcycle racing that Mike first met Imagine Software's Managing Director, Mark Butler, and during subsequent meetings they discovered another shared passion; computers. It was not long before Mark Butler recognised Mikes vast potential and in 1983 he was offered a permanent position with Imagine. Since then, he has been deeply involved in many of Imagine's exciting projects.

Mike is married and lives in Tranmere. He likes to spend any free time "playing about with engines and going to race meetings".

Company profile
Based in the very heart of Merseyside, Imagine are the largest, most successful game computer software company in the world. Success in any field requires determination, dedication and commitment; the three reasons why Imagine constantly lead the field. Everyone working in the 'Imagine House', the four storey headquarters in Liverpool's city centre, and at the massive programming, graphic artwork and music complex on the third floor of 'Tithebarn House' is a highly skilled professional, totally committed to the company and its products.

From the initial conception to the completed article, Imagine's products pass through the hands of the most professional and creative team ever assembled. It is only when the whole package has been thoroughly researched and honed to perfection that Imagine will allow you to have it.

The Imagine guarantee
Imagine offer you an unconditional world-wide guarantee. If this tape should ever fail to load into your Commodore 64 computer, it will be replaced completely free of charge. This guarantee will only be honoured if your faulty tape is sent directly to Imagine in Liverpool. If the tape has been physically damaged, please include £1.50 to cover replacement costs. This guarantee is in addition to your statutory right.

Imagine Software Limited
5 Sir Thomas Street
Liverpool, Merseyside L1 6BW
Telephone: 051-236 81 00 (20 lines)
Telex: 628586 Games-G
Made in England

Product information
Pedro © 1984 by Creative Technology Group Ltd. The game, its program code, game mechanics, audio-visual presentation and documentation are protected by national and international copyright laws. The distribution and sale of this product are intended for the use of the original purchaser only and for use only on the computer system specified. Lawful users of this program are hereby licensed only to read to the program. This product may not be stored, translated, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or offered for hire or for sale on any optional buy back basis without express written permission of Creative Technology Group Ltd. All rights of author and owner reserved worldwide. Pedro is a registered trademark of Creative Technology Group Ltd.

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