Gauntlet 2 / U.S. Gold 1987
Screenshots: « play/stop »

The game
Choose the colour and character you want by pointing the gauntlet and pressing the fire button. How long you last depends upon your health. Health is lost by contact with the monsters and as time elapses. It can be regained by picking up the food which can be found in the maze. Be careful, some food can be destroyed by your shots and some may be poisoned.

The object of the game is to survive the monsters' attacks for as long as possible whilst competing for food, treasure and magic potions. You must also search the maze to find the exit to the next level.

The heroes

Thor the Warrior
Armour: Tough skin. Eliminates 20 percent of damage.
Shot power: Excellent. Twice normal power.
Hand-to-hand: Excellent. Battle Axe, can destroy generators.
Magic power: Poor. Damages most monsters and no generators.
Thyra the Valkyrie
Armour: Shield. Eliminates 30 percent of damage.
Shot power: Poor.
Hand-to-hand: Good. Sword, can destroy generators.
Magic power: Moderate. Damages most monsters and generators.
Merlin the Wizard
Armour: None.
Shot power: Good.
Hand-to-hand: Poor. Bare hands, cannot destroy generators.
Magic power: Excellent. Damages all monsters and generators.
Questor the Elf
Armour: Leather. Eliminates 10 percent of damage.
Shot power: Poor.
Hand-to-hand: Moderate. Dagger, cannot destroy generators.
Magic power: Very good. Destroys almost all monsters and generators.

The Villains
The monsters pour out of the generator which lie throughout the dungeons, Each generator creates a specific type of monster i.e. ghosts or demons. There are three levels of generators and the strongest ones must be shot three times before they can be destoyed. Monsters too have three strengths, the most powerful taking three hits to kill.

Ghosts: Stay away from ghosts. They hit you only once and disappear. One hit hurts a lot. Shoot ghosts, do not run into them!

Grunts: Grunts will run up to you and hit you with their clubs over and over. Either move the joystick towards them to fight them hand-to-hand or shoot them.

Demons: Demons will try to shoot fireballs at you if they can, or if they are too close, they will bite you again and again. Fireballs hurt more than biting does. Either move the joystick toward them to fight hand-to-hand or shoot them.

Lobbers: Lobbers will try to lob rocks over the walls and other things in the maze to hit you. They will also try to run away from you. Try to shoot them in a corner and fight them hand-to-hand.

Sorcerers: Sorcerers try to fool you by disappearing while moving. When they are invisible, your shots will go through them. Either move the joystick towards them to fight hand-to-hand or shoot them.

Death: Death will drain health from you. He will take up to 200 points and then die. The only way to kill Death is with magic. Don't even think about fighting him hand-to-hand!

Super sorcerers: This sorcerer appears, takes a shot at the player and then disappears again. He continues to do this until shot by a player. Magic only stuns him and prevents him from shooting or disappearing immediately.

Acid puddles: These green pools hurt the player but do not attack him. Instead they wander around aimlessly. They cannot be shot and magic only stuns them.

The 'IT' monster: This creature, which looks like a glowing, spinning disc, disappears when it hits a player. That player then becomes 'IT'. All monsters are attracted to the player who becomes 'IT' until he or she leaves the maze or until this player touches another player who then becomes 'IT'. This monster cannot be shot but can be stunned by magic.

The 'THAT' monster: This creature, which looks like the 'IT' monster, chases players around the dungeon. If it touches a player, he loses a special power or a potion or 100 health points.

The dungeons
Around the dungeons are objects to collect and avoid:

Potions: Some potions can be shot although their effect is less powerful when they are collected and used.

Special potions: These behave as normal potions when shot but endow the player with special abilities if collected. These include:

• Extra armour (inc. protection)
• Extra magic power (inc. the effect of potions)
• Extra shot speed (inc. missile speed)
• Extra shot power (inc. damage inflicted by missiles)
• Extra fight power (inc. hand-to hand-combat ability)
• Extra pick up power (inc. carrying ability from ten to fifteen times).

Poisoned potions: These behave like poisoned food.

Food: Plates of meat increase health by 100 and give a bonus of 100 score points.

Cider: Cider bottles can be shot and destroyed. When drunk, this acts like food.

Poisoned cider: This can be shot and will slow monsters down for a short time. If drunk, poisoned cider takes 50 health points and makes the character dizzy and difficult to control.

Keys: Score 100 points for collecting. Use keys to open doors.

Treasure: Treasure chests cannot be shot but give 100 points when collected. Some treasure chests are locked and need to be opened with a key. They may contain food, money, a potion or even Death!

Amulets: These magic devices confer special abilities on the wearer for a short time.

Invisibility: Monsters cannot see you and wander around.

Invulnerability: Monsters cannot hurt you, but your health decrements twice as fast as normal.

Repulsiveness: Monsters cannot stand you and run away.

Transportability: The player can now transport through any solid object by running into it.

10 super shots: These shots kill all monsters in their path and keep travelling until they hit a wall.

Reflective shots: These shots bounce off walls allowing players to shoot around corners. They bounce a maximum of three times.

Walls: In general, walls are impenetrable objects, but some walls crumble when shot.

Traps: These glowing patterns on the floor make some walls disappear when stepped on. There can be more than one trap. Trap walls may be invisible.

Stun tiles: These tiles stun any player who treads on them and then disappear.

Transporters: Glowing red discs on the floor transport players to the nearest visible transporter. If several transporters are the same distance away, then one is chosen at random. There are ways to influence your direction. Can you find them?

Force fields: These go on and off in a particular pattern. If a player enters a field when it is on his health will quickly drain. Monsters are not affected. Force fields cannot be destroyed.

Exits: These labelled holes lead down to the next level or to the level specified. Some exits are phoney; they are only painted floor tiles. On some levels, exits move around by closing and re-opening elsewhere. Treasure rooms appear randomly and the player has a fixed time to collect as many valuables as possible within a time limit, which is displayed at the top of the screen. There is no score unless the player escapes.

In general, players are immune to the other player's shots, but in some areas of the dungeon, missiles can stun or injure fellow players. If players do not fight for about half a minute, the locked doors will disappear, freeing all of the monsters. Eventually, if players still avoid combat, then all of the walls turn into exits!

Loading instructions
C64 disk: Type Load"*",8,1 and press Return.

C64 cassette: Press Shift and Run/Stop together. Press play on the cassette recorder.

C128: Play in 64 mode.

For game controls, details will appear on the screen.

Product information and credits
Gauntlet is TM & © Atari Games. Licensed to U.S. Gold Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright subsists on this program. Unauthorised broadcasting, diffusion, public performance, copying, or re-recording, hiring, leasing, renting and selling under any exchange or repurchase scheme in any manner is prohibited.

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