First games though were budget in every
sense, with Booty and Cylu being nothing short of awful.
All the early games showed the British Telecom logo at
this time but in 1985, they took the lead from Mastertronic
and relaunched their label. They used the same colour
scheme as Mastertronic for identifying machine formats,
and the Firebird logo shaped like a red phoenix took centre
Their games from this period were much better, while
still selling at £1.99, such as Harvey Headbanger.
Firebird also sold some full price £9.99 games
(the Gold Range), one of which was Elite. This got a
Gold Medal in the very first issue of Zzap! 64. Revs,
the driving game, was another classic, even though you
really needed an analogue joystick to get the best from
1986: Rainbird is born
1986 saw the first sub-label launched: Rainbird. They
would sell games slightly more expensive (£14.99)
and one of the first of these was Starglider. While great
on the ST, the C64 version was a little slow to say the
Meanwhile on the budget side, there was Thrust. One
classic C64 game, and interestingly review copies had
a bugged loader which messed up Rob Hubbard's music.
This explains the lowish music rating in mag reviews,
although Zzap! later admitted they would have given
it 93% if they would have heard the proper version.
Also at this time Rainbird acquired the rights to release
adventures by Level 9, and then also Magnetic Scrolls.
The Pawn when launched was an instant classic despite
really needing a C128!
1987: Arcade conversions, budget
games and re-releases
1987 saw Firebird's first move into arcade conversions,
with Bubble Bobble and Flying Shark. Also at this time
came a lot of budget games with Rob Hubbard digi tunes,
namely Arcade Classics and BMX Kidz with Ricochet following
in 1988. Also in 1987, Firebird gained the rights to
re-release Activision titles, such as River Raid, Pitfall
2, Decathlon and Zenji. For gamers, the chance to play
these old titles at just £1.99 was just too irresistible.
And of course, there was Zolyx. A variant on Qix it
might have been, but so playable and so frustrating.
It's really addictive!
1988: A year of change
Firebird itself was to be the home of all £9.99
releases, with budget games via its new sub label Silverbird
(easy to work out the name) and Rainbird still carrying
on as normal. Firebird's games then included Black Lamp,
Samurai Warrior and Savage. Silverbird in this and next
year scored some surprise hits including Scorpius, with
graphics by a certain John and Steve Rowlands, Trojan
Warrior, Scuba Kidz and European 5-A-Side. Firebird had
managed to acquire the programming house Graftgold after
they had had legal battles with Hewson, with Morpheus
released on Rainbird, then Magnetron and Intensity on
Firebird. However, poor sales would mean that Graftgold
would leave soon after and become freelancers.
1990: Game Over
British Telecom closed Firebird down in 1990 and sold
the rights to all the labels to Microprose for an undisclosed
An old employee?
If anyone reading this ever worked for Firebird, or indeed
produced any games for them, feel free to let
us know your experiences of working there.
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